Hello, I’m Ruby.

While I’ve always known I wanted to live a life of service, it took several years of deep personal journeying to come into this work.

When I was a child, I was very sensitive to the world around me. My family and I migrated from Seoul to Southern California when I was three years old. Alongside my struggle to feel a sense of belonging, life experiences & generational wounding caused me to retreat into myself with no perceivable way out.

Deep in my heart, I desired to heal.

And so I resolved to commit to my own journey, discovering tools to regulate my nervous system, tap into my body’s wisdom, and connect with the sacred that surrounds us on this earth.

In my work, it is my highest intention that I serve as a steward of our collective healing — acting as a mirror for others to see the inherent magic & worthiness within themselves, in turn honoring the beauty in everything around them.

With a grateful heart, I am forever a student on the spiral path of life. Firmly believing that I can only meet others as far as I’ve met myself, I’m very much in this with you — let’s see what we can discover together.


Inner-Work as Alchemy

Every time I’ve felt frustrated by something in my life, I’ve found the most powerful catalyst for change in my own inner work. How I experience myself and my body can radically shift the ways I move through the world. I believe this kind of inner-alchemy has the power to transform our communities.

My Approach

Remembering Our Way Home

Colonization and system harm have inflicted wounds on all of us. Healing for me is not about fixing something that’s been broken. It’s about remembering our inherent gifts and embracing the magic that has been passed down by our ancestors, along with their challenges. Softness is a strength. Inner peace is resilience.

My Experience

I have nearly two decades of experience in deep self-exploration through my own therapy work, indigenous land-based healing practices, and spiritual journeying.

Within the overculture, my credentials come primarily from my master’s in clinical social work, my current doctoral studies in depth psychology, and my ten years of experience in the field.

Over the last half decade, I have served as a crisis intervention specialist and an advocate for survivors of sexual/interpersonal harm.

The majority of my service work has been with youth and young adults, allowing me to tap into my own inner child and lean into the wonder of the vast healing power inside all of us.

Today, my primary therapy clients are creatives, changemakers, highly sensitive people, cyclebreakers, as well as those seeking to weave strong relationships with their wider community through deeper intimacy with their own body & nervous system.